For this post I reread the entries from the year, and was mildly shocked. This year has been extremely busy since the end of February, even though many of the sentiments I expressed at the beginning of January echo the way I feel now.
Basically, at this time a year ago, our Storm King's Thunder campaign had stalled since the beginning of December, and we had nothing on the table for regular gaming. We decided to stop where we were and begin a new game on Roll20 with Tomb of Annihilation. As of the last post, we still hadn't even begun that adventure!
As of the end of this year, we have advanced that game to 5th level, and are on the verge of moving into the meat of the adventure to explore the temples and attempt to destroy the Soulmonger. It's true that we haven't played since the beginning of November, but we've recognized that the busy retail holiday season has interrupted our schedule and have not tried to fret over it.
We have a home game going that is set in the desert and has reached 4th level. We have two Waterdeep games started that are right around 3rd level. We have another mid-level game going in Chult, with 2 or 3 others begun that we still hope to continue at some point.
Most importantly, we've joined a group at a gaming store, and since June have been running through Princes of the Apocalypse. Initially meant to be an adventurer's league game, it has become a regular gaming group. With eight players, it is a huge party and has been challenged because of the size to keep focused, but it seems to be finding a true rhythm of late, and probably is still AL legal. That is good.
The last two months have slowed as the holidays approached, and everyone's time has been stolen by other interests. Unlike previous years, I've accepted that this is only a natural lull in an annual cycle rather than a waning interest in gaming as a whole. At this point, there seems to be a last opportunity to reflect on all of this and more before devoting attention to getting all these games and more back up to speed.
It's been helpful to have the regularity of the game at the game store (basically every two weeks) to keep gaming fresh in mind, and maintain an ongoing sense of continuity. There have been lulls, as in any other year, but within a week or two, there has been a game somewhere - game store, online, at home - to allay wild-running fears, and allow us to get to the next game session without outright panic.
It's been a more wonderful year than I could have imagined, and we are in a great place to make 2019 even more amazing. I hope you all find the same possibility going forward.