Sunday, December 15, 2019

Slipping Away

Ha, ha! The year has slipped away now, not just the year. We managed to play one session of  Tomb of Annnihilation on Roll20 this year. Perhaps we'll get one more in before the end of the year, but time is running short.
D&D has definitely slowed this year... Although the company released several products, only the first one The Ghosts of Saltmarsh really appealed to me. There are interesting elements to some of the others, but I'm not interested in exploring hell, playing games in Eberron or a cartoon reality, or dabbling in extra-planar nonsense. Of course, this almost certainly means another down year next year, too. That really depends on what they put out.
So, what do I expect? I expect a Dark Sun setting book, another updated release of an earlier edition product (Expedition to the Barrier Peaks??, along with a planar book), and a PHB 2 type of release like Xanathar's. This might not be too bad, all things considered. I think their planar book will focus on the Astral Plane and feature Githyanki, Githzerai, and Mind Flayers. That will be good, even in a ridiculous setting.
They've put out a lot of class enhancements featuring psychic powers that would work with either a Dark Sun setting, or with a Gith themed adventure on the Astral Plane. They've been working pysionics out for some time, and with the number of options they've brought out in the last two months, it seems likely they are nearly ready to actually release something featuring them.
We've had reasonably good luck playing, but haven't been able to find a consistent time to do so. Our weekly Thursday game is going great, but it too has seen interruptions. We have finally settled into a good playing group, and our style has really begun to mesh well with each other. This promises good things for the upcoming year.