Sunday, June 25, 2017

Finding Your Way

Yes, I am a slacker... I've been playing Catan and D&D and not updating this blog. Guilty as charged!
I think all I'll manage tonight is a quick interlude. After the encounter in the tower with Nalen and the two slaad, the party will make their way back to the trail and continue into the swamp, armed with the information (and some extra protection, possibly). The road forward is much the same as it has been, with more bare passages available for traveling.
While the footing has become more firm, the dangers are still present. There are pools of lava and murky slime all around, with clusters of rock jutting up among them sporadically. The way is narrow, and you begin to notice many paths winding through the pockets of swamp. Any reasonable passive perception (10-12) will realize the passage is quickly turning into a maze.
Have the party make periodic Survival (DC16) checks to keep on the correct path. The journey across this section will take five or six hours, but successive failed checks will delay the crossing by an hour each time. It will work nicely to plan 3 minor encounters for this area, with each delay allowing for an additional wandering monster encounter (1 in 6 chance). With the start of the day around the tower, any delay will also mean either making camp in the swampy maze, or trying to navigate the maze in the darkness.
This will require a DC22 Survival check not to get lost, with a 2 in 6 chance of a wandering monster, and a roll of "6" meaning someone gets too close to the edge of the slime in the dark, and either gets grabbed or steps in quicksand.
I need to work up some wandering encounter tables to use, as well as decide what lurks in the slime and how quicksand should work.

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