Thursday, June 29, 2017

Turf War

Lizardfolk gave me the idea to incorporate a little turf war into the campaign between them and the slaad (I'm getting really tired of this *$%# blogger interface autocorrecting every monster I type to something else! If I can figure out how to turn it off, we'll both live longer...).
It's a microcosm of the ecology of this terrain - traditional swamp monsters vs. aberrant monstrosities. It brings up a couple of important points I need to start considering, namely how populated I want this area to be, and what type of village and organization I want. I think it is also time to bring more slaad (thank god, I found it...) into the mix. For now, isolated monsters are sufficient, especially with interspersed encounters with lizardfolk as well. In fact, I think its better to suggest the edge of lizardfolk territory by making their numbers more prominent for now, letting the number encountered shift toward the slaad as the players move forward.
I also think a great option for this part of the journey is to work up a bunch of challenges and traps that can be dropped in. It would work nicely with a turf war, since each side is likely to try setting barriers and triggered effects for the other.

Maybe I need to outline my needs here for a moment, then execute solutions.

  • sketch out lizardfolk numbers and motivations.
  • sketch out slaad numbers and motivations.
  • sketch out slaad village and organization (especially color breakdowns - how many of each, how many evolutions are present)
  • design a series of traps/challenges to set and use.

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