Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Slaad Village

The slaad village is set up with a color heirarchy. There are circular paths leading to small clusters of huts that wind around the base of an upthrust spur of lava, eroded on either side. There are blue huts in the lowest areas of the swamp. As the trail through the village climbs up higher, the huts become more substantial and house red slaad.
On the rough lower slopes, there are a cluster of green slaad huts. The exposed lava tube rising above them is wound round with a rough trail leading to a dwelling built into tube itself.
The path the party has followed leads in a sweeping turn into a cluster of buildings. There are roads curling off to the right and left, each looping into itself with huts lining them. At the center of each cluster is a principal "family hut" of larger size. The huts get more substantial with the evolutionary cycles.
There is a second peak beyond the Grey Slaad's hut that is sacred to the village. It is a portal to the plane of Limbo, and can be used to summon a Death Slaad. The Grey Slaad will sacrifice a green slaad to open the portal (there is a 20% chance the green slaad will turn on the grey and try to sacrifice him in order to usurp his position.
The green slaad chief had the stone in its head taken by a cultist some time ago. They turned it over to the fire giants. It is the stone that the players have recovered and been carrying. The green stone gives the holder control over the green slaad chief. Without an Arcana or Nature check (DC20), they will not realize its power unless an occasion arises in battle where it will obey them.

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