Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Adventure Thoughts

I've been working on an adventure and its been wandering from theme to theme as they are wont to do at times. Lately, I've been going back through it trying to bring these disparate pieces together. Some of it comes together easily, but I've reached the point where there are parts that feel out of place.

Basically, as I was building the adventure, I placed an encounter with bugbears that led to their cave. Then, I skipped on to another section and started working on it. Looking at the whole, it feels like the bugbears would offer more of an interface with the party, and I'm trying to think of how to expand that.

I have a madman that is operating in the wilderness, and it struck me that he could be serving as a makeshift shaman leader for the bugbears. He doesn't feel any real attachment to them, but finds them useful for gathering information and ingredients. In return, they set themselves up near his base as their headquarters.

The fun of this will be that they look to him for guidance and direction, and he gives off the cuff advice. As a result, they start behaving very oddly for bugbears, and having strange ideas and "missions" into the surrounding area.

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