Wednesday, March 1, 2017

In Town

This is nominally a town. There is a dock, a warehouse, a general store, a tavern, and set well back from the river, an inn. The town comes to life with the sun, and shuts down shortly after it sets. The store and warehouse come to life in the early morning, with the tavern keeping later hours.
When you arrive, you meet an enthusiastic pair of dockhands moving some empty barrels to the edge of the dock. They come right over and introduce themselves as Maven and Hamming. Maven is a sturdy woman in her mid-thirties, Hamming an animated dwarf with a mild limp. They welcome you to the town of Faring Ford, with an odd cackling laugh (insight DC12 informs you that their laughter and attitude seem genuine, but exaggerated).
After grilling you about your intentions and journeys, they encourage you to visit the tavern for a bite to eat and something to wash the dust of the road from your throat. They tell you the bar is run by Carson, a gruff human with a knack for crafting hearty stews that will warm you to your toes. They give you directions, and head back to their work.
Carson will welcome you with a grunt, but will serve you as necessary. At this time of day, there are no other patrons, and only Carson is present. He can fill you in on the patterns and details of the town. If the characters can be convinced to spend the night, Carson will recommend they speak with Callie at the Whisper Inn before night settles on the valley.
The Whisper Inn is a quiet establishment set back from the river and the other buildings. It sits on a small rise near the roads out of town, one up to the mines, and the other headed south along a ridge above the river. A successful perception check (DC20) suggests there is something odd about the inn, but other than that vague sense of unease, nothing stands out.
To call Faring Ford a town is a stretch of anyone's imagination, but it serves its role as it is able. The mines are dependent on supplies, mostly coming downriver from Aron's Bowl (especially at this time of year with winter coming fast). In summer months, there are bi-weekly boats from Pinching and other points downriver and on the coast. There are often groups of miners and merchants moving up and down river, or back and forth to the mines. This is a slow time of year, though a ship is due in from Aron's Bowl in the morning. Anyone in town can assure you that you can get passage back upriver with the boat if you desire.
At present, there are two groups staying at the Whisper Inn, one a group of 3 gnomes and their mastiff, the other a half-orc named Laramie and his quiet companion, Eric. They sit in the corner of the common room having a quiet and thought-filled conversation. The gnomes, Allie, Penner, and Gill are much more outgoing, and invite you to join them by the fire to swap stories and laughs. They have recently come to the region to mine for gold, and are waiting to meet their crew at the docks in the morning when they arrive on the boat. They purchased an old claim from a dwarf who had enough of the rough conditions, and have been there for the last week setting up their operation. Now they have come into town to pick up supplies and meet four workers expected on the boat.
If anyone pries for information about the town, mines, or the inn in particular, have them roll a persuasion check to gain information. Most results meet with the standard pat answers, but if they can roll a successful DC22, have the NPC take them aside at some point for a more disturbing story.
This is a frontier town, with limited resources, and little to no definable law. During the day, things tend to stay above board, with everyone putting on a semblance of normalcy. But after dark, the creepier aspects of humanity crawl out. The permanent residents hold some degree of protection, but they guard it with care, closing at or shortly after dark, and locking themselves securely within their homes. Things are not too bad at this time of year, but in the warmer weather, when greater numbers of travelers are around, fear of kidnapping or banditry is high.
Tonight, with the new boat arriving in the morning, there is risk of attack. A group has targeted the gnomes, with the intent of taking them prisoner and impersonating them in the morning. Then, they can work their claim while they try to steal title to it. The party will need to remain alert in order to foil the assault when it comes. Laramie and Eric, for all their secretive nature, are actually good at heart, and will eagerly and actively participate in protecting, or rescuing the gnomes if necessary.
The attack may end up with the plot defeated, or with the characters either imprisoned themselves, or on the trail of the attackers. Let's let tomorrow decide...

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