With the open balcony on the upper floor, it is possible for a party to use ropes and grappling equipment to climb directly to it (or fly, if possible). This could be done with some skill checks, Athletics/Acrobatics DC18. With some clever magic use (mage hand) the grappling hooks could be set in place with causing any real noise, allowing the characters to scale the ropes with a stealth check to go unnoticed. The orcs will have a patrol that sweeps the balcony once every hour, as well as the area under the tower down to the river. The patrol is very regular, and if the party waits at least two hours, they can recognize the routine and get a bonus. Given the difficulty of climbing in armor, especially while trying to remain quiet, the Stealth check would be made with disadvantage. If they wait at least two hours before trying, they can time their attempt to counter the drawbacks, and roll for Stealth normally. The check itself doesn't need to be difficult, say DC15.
From watching the patrol, the party knows there must be an entrance into the tower at either end of the balcony near the cliff face. Moving either way leaves them at a door into the central room. If they listen at the door, a Perception DC12 will hear muffled voices from the other side, but nothing clearly or nearby. These doors are not kept locked, since the orcs do not expect anyone to attempt entry from here. The door can be opened quietly, revealing an inner hallway 30 feet long with a door at either end, one leading into the cliffside, and one into the upper room.
Inside the upper floor of the tower, the orcs have set up their rudimentary offices. The floor has been curtained off into four chambers around a central square which houses a spiral staircase down to the first floor. Opening the door into the upper room reveals a hallway running to the central square with a doorway on either side. The voices appear to be coming from the doorway on the front of the building, and two clear voices from the open square at the stairway.
The two guards in the stairwell are the patrol that makes its way around the complex each hour. They can be heard talking about the number of orcs that entered the mine and haven't returned yet. They are wondering about what terror has awakened in the mine, and hoping that it does not find its way out. The voices inside the room are more heated. There are at least two that can be made out, one still fairly calm, speaking in a steady tone every so often. The other voice is shrill and harsh, and interrupts the first with louder outbreaks. Nothing seems to be making a sound through the other doorway leading toward the room near the cliff.
The room near the cliff holds five orcs, one of which is an orc war chief. They are asleep, and can be surprised if the party enters this room first. In the front room, the calm voice is that of another orc war chief, and the shrill voice that of an oni. There is also an Eye of Gruumsh in the room with them, quietly scribbling away at parchment on a small desk near the front of the cluttered room. The war chief is insisting that his orders are to hold and defend the tower, while the oni is insisting that the fight should be joined, that its abilities are being wasted scribbling spells and supply orders when there are infidels to scorch!
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