Wednesday, March 29, 2017


After cleansing the haunted grotto, and removing the treasure from the hidden cave, the party returns to the shrine to report back to Carina. She listens as you describe your experience in the caves, then excuses herself to go with two of her acolytes to start preparations for the ceremony she need to perform in order to bless the location and purify it for Lathander's use.
After 15 minutes away, she will return to speak with you. "We promised to visit the town in order to heal their hurts... we should get underway before nightfall." If questioned, she will relay that there is an involved preparation to follow in order to perform the blessing ritual in the caverns. The acolytes have begun getting things ready, and since the undead have been laid to rest, there will be no danger to the shrine in her absence. Her kit bag has been prepared, so that she can leave within minutes if you are ready to go. Laramie offers to remain with the acolytes in order to keep the shrine protected from more mundane threats. Eric will protect Carina during the return to town, and escort her back following the visit.
The trip back to town will pass without incident. Once you have returned, Carina will introduce herself to the town leaders, and proceed to use an array of spells, potions and her staff to soothe injuries and heal any lingering wounds. You notice she moves with quiet confidence, and though she rarely speaks, her presence seems to reassure everyone she talks to.
Most of the town comes to visit her for some curative. While she tends to their needs, you feel inclined to call it a day, and get a long rest. In the morning, when you awake, the town is once again quiet and still, with the only activity happening around the docks as they prepare to receive a ship later in the morning. Carina is exhausted after her previous evening's endeavor, and stays asleep until the day is half over.
After waking and joining you for lunch, she will assure you that the entire town is now healed, and that she must return to the shrine. There is a ritual awaiting her attention that she needs to return and perform. Before she goes, she asks if any of you need healing. She has limited resources left available to her at the moment, but will do what she can. Her staff of healing is fully charged.
It is time to put the town behind you after talking with Carina. You can begin journeying upriver by foot, or wait until afternoon to catch the return boat upriver.

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