Friday, August 18, 2017

Cult Encounters

EN46 1367 8200
Monster XP Value Quantity Multiplier Total XP
Half-Red Dragon Veteran 1800 1 1 1800
Shadow Demon 1100 1 1 1100
Revenant 1800 1 1 1800
Hobgoblin Captain 700 3 1 2100
Winter Wolf 700 2 1 1400
EN47 2625 15750
Monster XP Value Quantity Multiplier Total XP
Orc 100 5 5 2500
Orc Chief 1100 2 5 11000
Orc Eye of Gruumsh 450 1 5 2250
      1 0
      1 0

These are built up based on a party of 6 characters, so the total 8200 XP for an encounter is worth 1367 per character. In the second encounter table, I added a multiplier (x5) to show the effect of taking a fairly modest battle group and using it multiple times. For this encounter, the point was to generate a generic cluster of monsters to use as groups in the warren of tunnels. These can be varied in number or quantity of certain types, but they are all barely more than faceless minions, and the encounter can be built using a stock set of simple creatures, that just keep coming and coming.

I wasn't sure what to use for cult members, but I think something like this is good enough. In my mind, they are a mix of half-orcs, humans, and orcs, so using an orc template is a good base monster. Same idea with the chiefs - they don't need to be anything specific, just tougher than the run-of-the-mill grunt types. And the Eyes of Gruumsh work as well as anything as generic spell casters. In the end, making up a base party for encounters like this is a quick way to put the encounter together, and keep it simple. 

The first encounter is the real encounter. The XP for the Revenant is included, but the party doesn't need to oppose him unless they choose to. I think that if both sides work together to get into the fortress, and achieve their goals, then they are entitled to the experience for making the cooperative effort work. There might even be a cluster of the second style group around as support within the fortress in addition to the big guys.

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