Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Main Fortress

This fortress presented a little different challenge for setting up. It is located on top of a small elevated plateau, with access only from the sky and tunnels into the plateau. There is no entry gate, and no need for open space to move around the compound.
This meant that the outer walls could double as the actual main keep. There is a central tower where the head of the cult lives and works. The secondary lieutenants are located in the outer walls of the keep.
There are five spires rising high above the keep, four on the keep's corners, and one from the central tower itself. These spires are spiral staircases rising into the sky, with open roofs. The two buildings open at ground level into a surrounding courtyard. There are also catwalks connecting the roof of the main building and tower above the courtyard.
I still need to plan the interior and populate it. I think most of the inhabitants have been mentioned, but where they are and how they respond require some thought. There are also a number of alarms and silent defenses that need to be plotted and explained.

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