Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Into the Kobold Den

Den is an operative word. The underground tunnels are narrow and winding, a warren of darkness and decay. Foul smells permeate the air. Very quickly it becomes apparent that the tunnels are also a maze, winding through and across themselves as they curl through the mountain's base.

The party should realize that their best hope lies in secrecy and stealth. This section is meant to test their ability to remain out of sight and move quietly. The exact layout is less critical, and the numbers of the kobolds are meant to be overwhelming. Having them meet a group of 5-8 or 8-10 should convince them they are better off avoiding open conflict if possible.

I think a few small skirmishes are fine, but as they move through the tunnels, the kobolds should increasingly try to fall back and signal a general alarm. It is necessary to prevent them from escaping to do so. Once they do, have them start arriving in ever larger groups. Eventually, they will overwhelm them and take them prisoner. They will tie them all up and transport them to a bone-barred cell in a large central chamber.

The party awake to a large bonfire burning in the center of the chamber. Smaller fires burn around the edges of the chamber. There are large numbers of kobolds singing and chanting as they dance around the fires, casting eerie shadows on the walls and ceiling of the cavern. There is a raised platform on one side of the large fire, and the leaders of the clan sit there feasting.

The festivities last long into the night, and through dawn of the next day, although no sign of daylight reaches the cavern. Anyone understanding kobold will realize that they believe they have done a great service to their red dragon master, and are celebrating their deed. The following evening, they plan to march the party through the caves to the dragon's lair, and turn them over as an offering.

They have failed to disarm or disable the party in any way other than to lock them in a cage. If the characters have sense enough to rest and keep their cool, they will find themselves mostly alone in the middle of the day, with a small number of kobolds (around 20) lying around the large common area asleep or passed out. They can escape the cage with a DC16 strength check, or by picking the lock DC14.

Once free, they will need to escape the cavern and tunnels. With a survival check DC18, they will have been able to determine the direction of the dragon's lair and take their leave in that direction.

I will need to work up some stealth numbers, directional checks, and add some traps, since I feel many of the side tunnels would be riddled with pit traps, net traps, and dart traps. None of them is particularly damaging, since they were designed by kobolds, with little understanding of the larger world and its strength.

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