Sunday, September 24, 2017

Volcanic Lair

At the heart of the volcano is the lair of the red dragon, Antarexes Glavenis. There is a large central cavern where the dragon rests. It has a large flat area in the center of the cavern where the dragon has made its nest. This is where it keeps its treasure hoard, and where it perches in the lair.

The floor of the cavern is scarred with lava pools, and the walls of the cavern are riddled with tunnels. There are shelves jutting out from the cavern walls, mostly around the openings to the tunnels, and at their height. The cavern is 200 feet from floor to ceiling, with a large central chimney opening to the outside air beyond, and with ledges and tunnels at 80 feet off the floor. The dragon's perch is 100 feet above the cavern floor.

The walls of the cavern are pocked with tiny holes, allowing anyone to climb the walls with a successful DC15 Athletics check. If they use ropes or other climbing aids, they can make the check with a DC10. Success allows characters to climb at their climbing speed (default is half speed). There are even tunnels in the dragon's perch, but none connecting to the outer walls.

If the party is patient and fortunate, they can find themselves in the enormous cavern for several hours while Antarexes is out of the lair, flying over the countryside, searching for the threat it feels is approaching. While the dragon is away, the party has the opportunity to explore the cavern and choose where to be when it returns. They can set themselves up to attack it without openly exposing themselves.

If the dragon is present when the party arrives, it will sense their presence. If they remain out of sight in the tunnels, it will just get restless, fly around the chamber and settle, then out the opening at the top of the chamber. It will circle the mountain several times, then head off to scour the countryside for food or evidence of intruders. If the party don't take actions to conceal themselves, then the dragon will feign sleep and wait for them to expose themselves.

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