Saturday, September 30, 2017

Kobold tunnel traps

Pit Trap
DC Ability Action
10* Wis (Per) to spot 
14* Int/Dex to disarm or bypass
12* Str (Ath) to avoid falling in and taking damage
Dex (Acr)
*Checks made with disadvantage when running or in darkness

Effect: 5’ fall into a pit for 1d4 damage

These traps are simple in execution, and easily avoiding by anyone proceeding cautiously. They are only dug about 5 feet deep, the width of the tunnel (5-10’), causing d4 damage when fallen into. The kobolds don’t have a great sense of their small size, and dug pits that work well against beastly intruders, and sneak thieves. They can be easily bypassed by walking a narrow lip along either wall, or hopped across (5’ gap). In the dim light of the tunnels, they can be difficult to notice and cause problems.

Pendulum Trap
DC Ability Action
16* Wis (Per) to notice tripwire
20* Wis (Per) to notice pendulum above
20* Dex (Thieves’ Tools) to disarm
10 Str (Ath) to step over the tripwire
Dex (Acr)
*Checks made with disadvantage when running or in darkness

Effect: 3d4 damage to anyone in the arc of the pendulum

The kobolds have suspended logs on a rope to the ceiling of the tunnel. When the tripwire is triggered, the holding mechanism is released, and the log swings down through a 15’ long arc, centered on the trigger point, slamming into anyone in its path.

Pit and the Pendulum Trap
DC Ability Action
10* Wis (Per) to spot trap
14* Int/Dex to disarm or bypass trap
12* Str (Ath) to avoid falling in and taking damage
Dex (Acr)
20* Wis (Per) to notice pendulum above
20* Dex (Thieves’ Tools) to disarm
*Checks made with disadvantage when running or in darkness

Effect: Falling into the pit triggers the pendulum, which sweeps down from both sides of the ceiling above, dealing bludgeoning damage, and forcing a Dex ST to avoid being knocked into the pit for additional damage. Falling into the pit causes 1d4 falling damage, and the pendulum causes 3d4 bludgeoning damage.

The pit looks like any other kobold pit trap, but there are two logs suspended on ropes to the ceiling on either side of the pit. There is no tripwire to notice for the pendulum trap, as it is set off by a pressure plate when someone falls into the pit. 

Arrow Trap
DC Ability Action
14* Wis (Per) to notice
16* Int/Dex to identify trigger plate in the floor
16* Dex to avoid being hit by arrows
*Checks made with disadvantage when running or in darkness.

Effect: 1d6 arrow damage per 5’ affected area

These are more intricate traps, and more difficult to notice. Again, the traps are meant more for wandering beasts and thieves, so they only deal minimal damage, 1d6 per affected square. Usually, these are set in straighter sections of tunnel, with a 15’ run of tunnel trapped with arrows, and a trigger plate or tripwire at one end of the setup. There is a 1 in 6 chance that they party triggers the near end of the trap, and it goes off without harming anyone. Otherwise, anyone in the affected 15’ area must save or take 1d6 damage from arrows.

Variant: Poisoned Arrows
As above, with an additional 1d4 poison damage on a failed save to avoid.

Rolling Logs Trap
DC Ability Action
15 Wis (Per) to notice it is not a real gate
Int (Inv)
17 Dex (Thieves’ Tools) to disarm the release mechanism
17 Dex to avoid the collapsing wall of logs
18* Str to move the wall of logs aside once disabled
*Checks made with advantage if more than one work together

Effect: 2d6 damage within 10’ of the wall

The only way forward is blocked by a rough gate of logs. On one side of the tunnel, there is a hasp mechanism that can be opened. It resists opening, and will need to be forced with a Strength check. This causes a wire to be pulled, releasing the stack of logs, which tumble forward 10’ into the tunnel. Anyone in that area must save or take the listed damage.

Oil Trap
DC Ability Action
15* Wis (Per) to discern the smell of oil
18* Wis (Per) to notice the small spouts above the torches set in either wall
16* Wis (Per) to notice the tripwire across the floor just beyond the torches
18 Dex to avoid the direct splash of oil
*Checks made with disadvantage when running

Effect: 3d4 fire damage from burning oil, half damage on a successful save, all within 5’ of the trigger point

The tripwire is well concealed, and difficult to notice. There are three small spouts above each torch, one set into each side of the tunnel. The tripwire causes oil to flow out of the spouts, igniting as it arches over the flames, and splashes onto anyone in the trigger square, or 5’ before or after.

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