Thursday, May 18, 2017


Everett will make his reappearance with information on the dragon, dragon cult and magic items via the 3rd level illusion spell, Dream. Unfortunately, I haven't begun to think what that information is yet...
Once everyone is rested and prepared with their new abilities and so on, the party can leave the stronghold heading back downriver along a hint of a path. After a little over a mile, the path peters out to nothing, but Imogene can spend a few minutes studying the area and determine that someone has recently passed across a stretch of exposed ledge away to the west. She scouts ahead for a few minutes and returns to assure you that there is a proper trail on the far side of the ledge that visibly widens as it makes its way down the slope and away toward the west.
Crossing the ledge is easy and the trail picks up on the far side. It is still a rough path for another two miles, but it is also clear that it is used frequently, and is not concealed in any special way. The trail cuts across the side of the ridge along a shallow depression, and uses the lay of the land to conceal its passage. After two miles, the trail enters the outskirts of a sparse forest. Imogene leads you forward for several miles in rapid fashion, before halting suddenly with a raised hand around noon. Looking up you see she has a stern expression upon her face, listening intently.
Anyone interested can roll a Perception check (DC14) to understand what she is concerned about. A successful roll will reveal shuffling through the underbrush ahead of you and off the trail to the left. There is nothing in sight, and the sound seems to be localized, rather than moving toward you. You can leave the trail and quickly find some cover in order to advance through the underbrush toward the noise to investigate.
After several minutes, have everyone roll a stealth check against a passive perception for the creatures in order to determine whether you are able to approach them without alerting them of your presence.
Again, I'm not sure what they see...

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