Saturday, May 6, 2017


I'm at a crossroads in terms of where to go next. I think having the option of going into the mountains along the river or cutting through the fens is a good way to go. The choice is on them, one way or the other. My thought for the game, at least in terms of the story I was writing originally, was that they would cut through the fens and try to sneak up on the dragon by coming to its lair through the back door. It feels too much like I'm the one deciding, though, and if the party wishes to chase the orcs and fire giants, why not let them?
The dilemma at this time is working out how to build the adventure... if I develop orc and giant encounters in the mountains, that will feel like the route the adventure is taking, and I'll skip or short-change the other. If I develop the fens, the reverse will hold true. I almost need to start here and write up two encounters independent of each other, and present them both.
I guess that's what I'll have to do... I also need to check my map and work up some of the numbers from the adventure throughout stage two so that I know roughly where the party is in terms of level. I'm going to need to understand how close the adventure is to the final confrontation with the dragon. I think they might still be a little low for tackling the dragon, but they must be close enough to dare the encounter.

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