The party can make their way to within a mile of the town and still be able to remain out of sight. They approach west of the road along a ridge overlooking the town and the river.
Once they are there, they can get an overview of the layout of the town, and decide how they wish to approach. From their vantage point, they notice two large ettins, one on either side of the river. There is also an oversized wagon in the town center on the near side of the river (a second is on the far side of the river, blocked from view by the town hall).
There does seem to be activity in the building at the northern edge of town and the large one to the west. Occasionally, an orc or two can be seen moving around outside near them. There is also noise coming from town hall, and the appearance of movement near the bridge. It is too well screened to determine what it is.
Every hour, a pair of orcs can be seen moving north of the buildings to check movement on the river, and scan the road and ridge north for movement, before swinging around the village to the west. They make a full sweep of the town, ending on the bridge with a meeting. An orc from each side of the river confer, then go their separate ways.
It is possible to sneak around the town (stealth DC12) to investigate or target areas. If the party can burst in on one of the houses containing orcs and engage them within, they can fight an isolated encounter. If it spills into the streets, the next nearest band will hear the commotion and move to join, taking two rounds to arrive. The ettins wander around on their own, smashing things and pillaging as they go. They can roll perception checks against the party's stealth rolls, and will attack on sight.
If the group in the building next to the bridge engages, they will attempt to release the Tanarruk from its wagon.
Once the battle reaches the bridge, the ettins and 3 orcs from across the river will investigate. The fire giant will leave the prisoners to meet a challenge if the players cross the river.
The party can observe, sneak around and investigate, or try to rescue the prisoners. If they choose to do the latter, they can overhear conversation to steer them toward the town hall. They may be able to recognize it as the obvious location given its size, or the giant could stretch its legs to reveal its location.
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