Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Bandits and Beyond

I've debated the bandits a bit, but I think the best option here is to use the Bandit Captain stats for them all. There are 4-6 bandits, according to what the party is best suited for in level. I'd lean toward four unless the party is fourth level. As for Karl's stats, I have to work on that. What I had planned to do won't work easily on this platform, so I need to shift the format and just didn't leave myself the proper time to do that tonight.
This story had been falling into a nice flow, and I'm lost about where to take it next. After defeating the goblin den and the bandits at the portage, Karl will wish the party well and part ways. If they ask and the DM is willing, there is no reason not to have him continue with them for a while. Karl is a free spirit, and willing to go where action leads. At the same time, this is where he calls home, so he won't continue on the journey for too long.
As for defeating the bandits and freeing the portage from danger (for now), the bandits have been doing good business, and a little searching will find a cache of treasure they have stashed. As long as the party chooses to search the campsite, they will find the treasure store concealed in a hollow behind a stone at the back of the ravine with their dwelling. There are two chests and a cache of weapons wrapped in sheets of leather rolled and tied.
The chests are locked, but can be picked by someone with proficiency in Thieves' Tools on Dex DC18, otherwise DC25. If they want to break the chests open, give them AC12 and 10 hp. Smashing the chest will cause its contents to be spilled out. This should have a cost, say reducing the treasure inside by 10% for coins being sent flying into the dirt, bushes and rocks.
The wrapped bundles contain 4 short swords, a rapier, and flail. There are 180 copper pieces, 48 silver pieces, 77 gold pieces, 8 gems worth an average of 30 gp each, and 3 daggers, 1 of which is silvered. There is also a small carved figure looking like an onyx dog (Figurine of Wondrous Power). There are also 3 potions of healing inside one of the chests. If this chest was smashed to open it, roll percentile dice to see if one of the potions was shattered as well (10%).
From here, the river is again navigable for the next 50 miles according to Karl, but beyond that he hasn't traveled and can't say. You seem to be in the higher mountains now, and while the walls of the canyon retreat from either side of the river and aren't as steep, they are still mostly rock and small bushes, with sparse pine trees clinging to some of the more sheltered ledges.

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