Saturday, January 14, 2017

Travel Time

So far, this adventure has barely gone anywhere. The first encounter was at the edge of the mountains, where the river cuts across the moor toward Pinching at the coast. From there, the party has crossed the river to the southern side and traveled a couple of miles to the shrine of the dragon cult.
Since that encounter, the only thing discussed is the generic non-combat skill checks associated with travel upriver through the valley. For the map included here, I've plotted out marks at roughly 50 miles. As stated, to this point, the party is really still at the first dot next to Pinching. It may be simplistic and impractical to do this, but if I plan some sort of encounter for each red dot... particularly combined with generic skill based movement between them... Let's just say it gives a good framework to start from.
Today, we are passing the second dot. The river through this section is fairly broad, and while swift, not impossible to navigate. There are occasional drops (mini rapids and waterfalls), but nothing requiring more than a brief pause. The river bed is cut deep into a broad flood plain on either side, but the steep banks are easily scaled, and not deep enough at this time of year to block visibility. Making camp along this stretch is easy. There are plenty of little copses of trees near the riverbank that provide cover, shelter, and firewood.
After setting up camp in one of these small groves near the first red dot up the river, the party can settle in for the night, setting their watch as desired. After several hours, have any awake sentries roll Perception checks against DC18. If they succeed, they notice movement along the edge of the river below the edge of the bank. If they succeed by 5 or greater, they notice four men spreading out along the riverbank above and below the party's position.
Unseen are two more men positioned inland from the river, taking cover behind shrubs with crossbows to cover the campsite while their allies move into position. The plan is for the four to separate along the riverbank, then have the two flankers slip up and over to surround the party. The two near the river have a large net, while the two flankers have short swords. Once in position, the archers will fire at the sentries, drawing their attention. The flankers will then advance. The two with the net will wait to snare anyone that tries heading to the river, climbing to advance after a round if no one does.
These are river bandits operating out of a cave back up the hillside. They snatch passersby to rob and sell as forced labor to mining concerns moving up the river. There are many legitimate miners in the higher peaks, but also many shady concerns that kidnap and buy anyone they can bully into the work. They pass by the river once a week. In the meantime, if the party is defeated, they are manacled and chained to an anchor bolt in the back of the bandit's cave. The bandits sleep during much of the day, and slip out to raid boaters or hunt the hillsides in the early morning and most of the early night. At these times, the prisoners are left alone (with heavy blankets across the entrance of the cave to prevent anyone hearing their cries from within). Tomorrow, we can work on their escape...

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