Friday, January 27, 2017


I worked on yesterday's entry, and felt good about where I was at. Then I sat down to make up the character... only to realize that Thaumaturgy is not an arcane spell. I was devastated. But I knew that our beloved Strix from Dice, Camera, Action! was a sorcerer who makes frequent use of the spell. It's how I understood the value it carries in actual gameplay! There had to be something in the character's makeup; racial bonus, a feat, etc., so I started breaking it down. Strix is a Tiefling, Thaumaturgy is a racial benefit of Tieflings. Problem solved, crisis averted, Prudence born!
Prudence is a fifth level Tiefling Wizard, sole toll keeper at this boundary location. She, perhaps somewhat oddly for her race, is lawful neutral. Whether the position appealed to her because of her alignment and personal philosophy or her alignment drifted to match her unique role and position, she prides herself on handling everything connected with her job on her own.
The chains across the river with the attached net allow her to contain ships attempting to pass through the narrow channel and demand appropriate tribute based on their cargo. She is able to communicate from a remote location to direct travelers using Thaumaturgy to be heard. She also has a crystal ball which is trained at the steps leading from the dock to cabin. She is able to see and hear anything within 10 feet of this location. She is herself located within the side of the hill. There is a passage leading from there into the upper floor of the cabin. It is possible for her to see out of "windows" cut in the side of the hill, so she is aware of movement on the river. She also moves freely through the cabin at most times, retreating to the bunker within the hill at the approach of ships in order to secure them without endangering herself. Once she has controlled the situation, she instructs the passengers to vacate the boat and await further instruction. If she feels unthreatened, she will approach in person to negotiate payment and release of the boat.
If she feels threatened, she will remain out of view, and work to turn events to her favor through use of her spells. Prudence is strict in her sense of duty, and logical in its execution. She insists on fair payment, and doesn't accept or demand more than required. She is intelligent, and understands the sense of domination her approach imposes, harboring no ill will or deep resentment toward any who resist. She will take measures as aggressive and extreme as she deems necessary to fulfill her task.
Moving upstream, the toll is more nominal. The main endeavor of the detainment is to instruct on the process, and ensure that nothing unbalancing is being smuggled upriver to the mines. Most of the trade going this direction is of goods - food stuffs, cloth, tools and weaponry. There is little gained by confiscating these items, which are eagerly awaited by the miners of Aron's Bowl.
For straight travelers like our party, the fee is slight, say 5 gp per person. Once the toll has been paid, Prudence will invite them to join her for dinner, and offer space in the cabin to spend the night if desired for 1 gp per person. She can offer information about the Long Valley and Aron's Bowl if questioned, and suggest possible locations for adventure and exploration.

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