I've set up a map with a river running from the coast into the heart of the mountains and dragon country. It is a convenient path to follow for the adventure, allowing plenty of opportunity to engage with the enemy, but it feels too much like a "yellow brick road" at times, with stations along the way to encounter monsters.
The benefit is that it gives the adventure the breathing room it needs to develop from a low level string of encounters into a full on campaign against powerful creatures leading up to the draconic climax. I think there is a place for this framework, but there need to be loops off and away from it. Finding ways to lead the party away from the river can be challenging. They can't always be kidnapped, or chasing bandits. One way is to make the river impassable - waterfalls, rapids, canyons, or cliffs. I'm bothered that these all seem like contrivances, but other options can be as simple as presenting an enticing looking path into the mountains. At some point, you can't worry about appearances, you just make up an interesting adventure and go with it.
This is a weak entry, but Monday's are difficult for me to find time to give this endeavor. I'll add some details tomorrow.
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