Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Driscoll Vale

Pinching is a town at the mouth of the Flushing River. The Flushing cuts a gorge out of the moors running along the southern coast of Glacier Bay. There are many roads running out from Pinching to the north and south toward other settlements along the coast. The river gradually rises onto the moor and across it toward the east. As the river reaches the wall of mountains, it winds its way up into them through a deep valley cut by the water through long years of erosion. This is Driscoll Vale.
This is a hotbed area of activity for all sorts. Traders and miners use it to travel between the coast and Aron's Bowl, a broad plain high in the mountains cradled within the surrounding, towering peaks of the high mountains and Scarred Ring. This is an area of volcanic slag running down from the restless volcanoes in the high peaks.
Driscoll Vale, particularly near the moor, is rich in caves. These caves harbor all manner of creatures - from goblins to drow. This combination of travelers and monsters make the vale a common place for encounters. There is a great danger of kidnapping, banditry and general ambushes while traveling the trails up into Aron's Bowl. Most parties travel in groups for safety.
There are increasing rumors of organized activity by goblins and bandits kidnapping people to force into the mines as workers. Some believe they are being sold into slavery with the drow, others think the goblins themselves are beginning to exploit the mineral wealth of the hills and capturing people to do the work for them.
All that is know for sure is that Driscoll Vale has become a difficult stretch of road to pass through, and people have been disappearing from caravans and local towns and farms.

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